
bet8体育娱乐入口’s Office of Institutional Equity and 多样性 hosted the 2024 John R. Broderick 多样性 Champion Awards at Chartway Arena on March 28.

The awards acknowledge individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to promoting diversity and equity in the classroom, 工作场所和社区. Sixteen faculty members and students were recognized this year. Their work spanned across University departments and disciplines including counseling, 刑事司法, 健康科学, 图书馆与人文学科.

“The 多样性 Champion Awards offers us an occasion to show how members of our campus community create pathways and gateways of opportunity that enhance our living and learning communities and ultimately position us in a more forward-focused position to contribute to the economic growth, innovation and community and wellbeing of Norfolk and the Hampton Roads area,九月·桑德林说, 人力资源副总裁, 多样性, 公平与包容.

Veleka加特林, assistant vice president for 多样性 and Inclusive Excellence, 2024名候选人来自全校各地, including areas that “have not been traditionally” nominated for their efforts in diversity and inclusion, 例如远程学习和健康科学.

“It truly helps us to understand that we are truly working to operationalize what it means to be a community committed to diversity, 公平与包容,加特林说. “这确实融入了我们所做的一切.”

安吉拉·威尔逊, a clinical assistant professor in the 健康科学学院, 被评为今年的整体多元化冠军.

这一认可令威尔逊感到意外, who said she could not think of any event or program she helped in “that had the word ‘diversity’ in it.” Instead, it was the little things she included in her classroom and work.

Wilson joined the University in 2017 and was selected for the Overall 多样性 Champion award recipient for her work to incorporate new perspectives from the medical laboratory sciences field and her teaching philosophy that emphasizes inclusion and belonging for all.

She said she tries to ensure her students learn about all the backgrounds their peers or colleagues could come from, 无论是文化因素, 金融, 心理健康, 宗教或其他东西.

“我欣赏多样性。, so I try to practice it every day – practice a sense of belonging – because we’re all diverse,威尔逊说. “让生活更精彩.”

Wilson recently incorporated transgender medicine and its impact on laboratory testing into the curriculum. She also participated on committees and boards that promote health equity initiatives.

从2018年到2023年, Wilson served on the Interprofessional Education Committee of the 健康科学学院 and participated in an annual conference that drew students from across the college to 分享 what they learned in their programs.

威尔逊还促进了全球参与和学习. In 2022, 她指导了一门研究历史的课程, 古巴医疗保健系统的社会和政治方面.

同样在2022年, Wilson participated in the Center for 全球 Engagement and 教师发展中心 Collaborative Online 国际 学习 Workshop and brought back the concepts she learned to introduce a project with ODU 健康科学 students and Brazilian architecture students to “theoretically” design an ergonomic microbiology lab. 

“当我进行COIL训练时, the real focus was to respect and realize these cultural differences among students and try and bridge those gaps,威尔逊说.

在整个项目中, 威尔逊注意到学生们的态度, 尽管我们来自不同的国家和背景, found ways to relate over things like their pets and being far from their homes to go to school.

It was important for her students to learn about global diversity and diversity in health care through the project, 威尔逊说. Understanding differences can help students understand why certain groups might be reluctant to get a vaccine or seek medical assistance and gives them the tools to start to address equity in health care.

“I hope it trickles into their professional practice,威尔逊说. “我希望它能渗透到社区和他们的家中.”

瑞秋蔡尔兹, a clinical assistant professor in the 健康科学学院, nominated her colleague because of how Wilson goes “above and beyond” in promoting inclusion and diversity.

Childs said this recognition for Wilson brings “more awareness to how diverse health care is.”

威尔逊说 part of promoting diversity in health care is interprofessional education.

“We really are interconnected, particularly when it comes to patient care,威尔逊说. “我们可以互相学习.”

She practices this through several collaborations with other professionals in nursing, dental hygiene and oceanography – studying the impact of tidal flooding on soil nutrients and microbes.

Childs said Wilson offers suggestions on how to make communications more inclusive and recognizes underrepresented and disadvantaged groups by bringing awareness to events like Black 历史 Month, 美洲原住民历史月和LGBTQIA+月.

这让经过她办公室的学生觉得他们属于这里, 如果有需要,他们可以来找她倾诉, 威尔逊说.


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