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Strome College of Business

General Advising Information

Freshman Advising

All students with less than 30 credit hours applied towards the BSBA degree program are to meet with an advisor in the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011.

Transfer Advising

All incoming transfer students are required to attend Monarch Orientation or a Mini Business Orientation to receive a transcript evaluation and have the advising block removed before registering for courses. Monarch Orientation is a one-day event for transfer students where the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising gives transfer students a presentation on the details of what earning a BSBA entails, provides students with an opportunity to meet with an advisor with a transcript evaluation and register for courses. Students that take the opportunity to attend Monarch Orientation are recommended to attend the earliest Monarch Orientation possible to ensure an easier class registration process. Summer/Fall admits should plan on attending in early-mid May if possible. Spring admits should plan on attending in Decemeber. To register for Monarch Orientation, visit the Monarch Orientation/Orientation website (link is located below). Our office is aware of mitigating circumstances and if you are unable to attend a Monarch Orientation, please email BusinessAdvising@afroradionetwork.com for assistance.

Change of Majors

All students changing from non-business to a business major must meet with an advisor in the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011 before proceeding to the faculty advisors. This is to ensure the student follows the proper procedures within the college for declaring their majors along with understanding college specific requirements.

Sophomore and Junior Advising

If the overall GPA is greater than a 2.0, students with 30-80 credit hours applied towards the BSBA degree program are to meet with their assigned faculty advisor. An updated list of faculty advisors can be located either just outside the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011, or here:

Senior Advising

Students with over 80 credit hours applied towards the BSBA degree program are to meet with an advisor in the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011.

Among other types of appointments, seniors should expect to have their Senior Audit appointment with the SCB Undergraduate Advising office at least one year in advance of graduation (MAY graduation - between 15 Jan. - 15 Feb.; AUG graduation - between 15 May - 15 June; DEC graduation - between 5 Sept. - 15 Oct.).

Departmental graduation paperwork is completed with the SCB Undergraduate Advising office a semester in advance of graduation (MAY graduation - between 5 Sept - 15 Oct; AUG graduation - between 15 Jan - 15 Feb; DEC graduation - between 15 May - 15 June).

Returning Students

Advising assignments for students returning after a departure from ODU would meet with an advisor based on the category (as noted above) when the student left the unviersity. For example, a student returning from academic probation or suspension are to meet with are to meet with an advisor in the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011.

Those students who will meet with the SCB Undergraduate Advising Office can use the MyAdvisor online appointment system (http://my.afroradionetwork.com). For advising questions, email BusinessAdvising@afroradionetwork.com.

Academic Difficulty Advising

All students in academic difficulty (GPA less than 2.0) are to meet with an advisor in the SCB Office of Undergraduate Advising, Constant Hall, Room 1011.

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